Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Morning Run

After opening up Christmas presents M and I loaded the boys up in the double Bob and headed out for a run.  I took my new headband out for a spin.

It was in the high 30s so I was glad to have something to keep my ears warm.  It was cold out there.  We went out for a nice 3 mile loop.  It felt great to be running again.  I didn't realize how much I missed it!  My legs feel good to be moving again.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

First run in 7 weeks

I finally got my splint off my hand.  The freedom feels great.  I'm still not cleared for full activity.  I can't carry anything greater than 1 pound and I'm not able to hyper-extend it - no push ups for me!  But it feels good to be able to do more and begin practicing active movement of my fingers.

My half marathon training program begins on New Years Eve so I knew this next week I had to start running because week one I'm expected to run 4 times with the least amount being 3 miles.  Today we decided to head out on a family run.  Mike is slowly getting back into running after recovering from CIM and didn't mind going at a slower pace. 

The forecast for the next 5 days is rain.  We were constantly looking outside to see if there would be a break in the rain.  It looked like it might be clearing up so we bundled the boys up in the double Bob and headed out.  Naturally as soon as we started running it started raining more.  We kept with it though and did our usual 3 mile loop.  My calves felt tight and after about 2 miles I was feeling really sluggish but I persevered.  It felt awesome to run again after 7 weeks off.  I felt even more accomplished because I've never run in the rain (nor have I ever wanted to).  But I know with a half marathon training plan there will be some days in which I have no choice.  It felt good to have my first run be in the rain.

I'm back in the saddle.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

M's Marathon #3

M completed his third marathon today.  Once again I'm astounded by what my husband can and will do.  He is a rock star.  I am in awe of what he can do.

Sunday morning the forecast did not look good.

It was going to be a wet marathon.  M decided to wear a garbage bag to try and keep his core as warm as possible but he knew he was going to get wet - very wet.

M took the shuttle to the marathon start.  We had decided that if it was raining that I'd leave the boys at the hotel with Grandma and I would brave the rain to try and meet him at mile 20 and the finish line.  At breakfast I looked out the window and saw that it was pouring.  Plus it was cold and windy.  The weather was awful.  I logged on to CIM's website to see M's time after 5.9 miles and noticed he was running 7:20 miles which was faster than his last marathon at this point and faster than the time he told me.

The CIM athlete tracker website then went down so I couldn't see his time at the halfway point.  I figured he probably would have slowed down a bit so I knew if I got to the 20 mile point by 9:25am I should catch him easily.  The drive there took awhile.  Four lanes of the freeway were flooded.  The streets were filled with water and it was raining so hard.  Thankfully I found the race and parked at 9:20am.  I spent 5 minutes in the car trying to load the site to see if it was back up, calling my father-in-law to have him check, before just getting out to see if I could see M.  I was about 50 feet from the 20 mile marker.  Even with an umbrella, rain jacket, and boots I still got wet pretty quickly.  I felt even more sorry for M.  How he and all of those other runners were running in this weather was beyond me.

I cheered on the runners (who all looked pretty miserable) hoping to see M.  At 9:40 I checked the website one last time only to see that he passed through mile 20 at 9:24.  I was there but still in the car.  I missed him!  I felt awful.  I knew he probably could have used some encouragement.  I also realized that he was still running pretty fast which meant I had about 30 minutes to make it to the finish line.

I ran back to my car and drove as fast as I safely could to the finish.  Streets were still flooded so it was slow moving.  I kept watching the minutes tick away and was sick to my stomach that I was going to miss him.  Once I got in the general area of the finish line I parked (which I realized once I got out was a passenger loading zone only).  It was 10:01.  I ran as fast as I could, praying I wouldn't miss him.

Once I saw the runners I just stopped there.  I was right in front of the mile 26 marker.  Barely 30 seconds later of my stopping I saw M run by.  He looked miserable but still running strong.  He finished in 3:11:45 shaving 16 minutes off his PR in Half Moon Bay in September.  Simply amazing.

He was soaked to the bone and exhausted but he did awesome.  I'm so proud of him.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Running Break

I have to take a running break and I'm so bummed out about it.

On Monday morning I was prepping dinner to go into the slow cooker.  I was rushing and in the process cut my finger on a lid of a can.  I yelled for M who immediately recognized that I needed stitches.  I sat down on the couch with my finger wrapped up while M ran around getting the boys up and dressed so we could go to the ER. 

After a few hours at the ER I learned that I cut a tendon and would need surgery.  I was stitched up and sent home in a splint so I wouldn't move it. 

Surgery was on Tuesday.  The tendon was repaired and thankfully there was no nerve damage.  They had to make a long zig-zag incision down my pinky to repair the tendon.   My fingers were put in a cast to allow them to heal without moving. 

I'm going in to physical therapy later this week for a smaller splint.  But I still won't be able to use my right hand for at least 6 weeks.  No holding E, no giving the boys baths, no putting E to sleep in his crib. 

This also means I can't run.  Sucks.  I'm very grateful to my amazing husband who has stepped up to fill the gap.  Without his support and love this would be even harder.  I'm hoping this heals faster than anticipated.  It just sucks that this happens right after I had a great run, right when I signed up for races this spring.   :-(

Sunday, November 4, 2012

This morning we participated in a family hike out of Castle Rock Park.  L loved cheering his Daddy on at his marathon so I thought he'd love participating in a race himself.  There was a half marathon, 5K, and 10K as well.
L was pretty excited about wearing his first bib.

It was such a beautiful day for a hike!

E had the easiest job.  He enjoyed being carried.
 Waiting to start!
 L did pretty good walking the first part of the hike but then wanted to be carried.

We veered off course a bit to climb a hill to admire all of the runners and eat a snack.

L enjoyed exploring a bit.

 L walked or ran the last half though.
 M and L take off for the finish line!

Crossing the finish line!
At the finish line the boys got medals.

You'd think L would be happier about getting a medal!
 After the hike L still had energy to burn so he ran around the grass with Daddy chasing him.

 We enjoyed a barbecue lunch before heading home.
We all had a blast!  We are going to try and participate in family runs or hikes as often as we can.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

First Run in a Month

I went for my first run in a month today. 
I was worried about how it would go since I took a break to concentrate on the 30 Day Shred.  The whole family went out for our usual 3 mile loop.  I felt great.  I felt strong, like I easily could have gone farther.  It was awesome.  I start half marathon training at the end of December.  My goal until then is to incorporate running back into my schedule 3-4 times a week with cross training the other days.  Ultimately I want to be active every day.  I feel better when I am. 

After that great run we celebrated with mimosas at brunch.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Making It Official

I've been talking about wanting to run a race for awhile.  I've now made it official.  I've  purchased my registration for the first of 2 half marathons this spring.  Yes, that's right. I'm doing two.  I mapped out the races I want to run and I'm going to do it.

I'm starting off with a 5K on December 29.  Then in January I'm doing a 10K.  In March will be my first half marathon followed two weeks later with another 10K.  Finally in June will be my second half marathon.  I'm hoping that committing to these races will keep me running regularly and motivate me to continually improve. 

I'm a bit freaked out because I haven't run in a month.  I've been concentrating on doing the 30 Day Shred which I've now completed.  I'm hoping to head out on my first run this weekend.  I've decided to follow Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Novice training plan for my marathon in March.  Training begins the week of December 31st (how fitting to begin right at the new year - I love it).  These next two months my plan is to run 3-4 days a week.  I will take one rest day a week and the other 2-3 days I'll do the 30 Day Shred.  I don't want to lose the muscle definition I've gained this month - plus it's an awesome workout! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

15 Minutes of Quiet

My days have been starting early lately.  Since I started doing the 30 Day Shred in the morning (4:30am) I've been getting up to a quiet house.  After I work out, shower, and get ready for work, I come out into the kitchen and the house is still quiet for usually 15 more minutes before M gets up for the day.  All too soon I'll start hearing the boys stirring in their beds.  But usually for 15 minutes I have the house to myself, or so it seems.  I drink my coffee.  I eat my breakfast without having 2 little ones demanding I share.  I relax and get myself mentally ready for the day.  I love it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Early Mornings

There are some days when I have an early morning meeting at work.  I need to be here (25 mile commute) by 6:50am.  This means I need to be out the door by 6:15.  M and I were discussing the other day about what time I needed to get up in order to be ready to leave that early.  I determined that I would have to be up at 4:20am. 

At first that seemed too early.  Why do I need to be up almost 2 hours before I have to leave?  I did it anyway and I did in fact need every minute.  I got up and did my 30 Day Shred video (25 minutes).  Then I showered, got dressed, put my make up on, blew dry my hair.  After I ate breakfast, packed up my lunch to bring to work.  I gave the cat fresh water.  I put a load of laundry in.  I prepped dinner (got to love the slow cooker!).  I gave my baby a kiss (he was the only one up, L was still sleeping) and I left! 

If only it were so easy to just get myself ready and leave! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 17

This morning I completed day 17 of the 30 Day Shred.  I am still loving it.  I moved up to Level 2 and it provides a good challenge.  I'm thinking I'm ready for level 3 so I think I'm going to try that on Friday.  Seems like a good way to start the weekend.

Last week and this week I've been getting up at 4:30am to do it.  While I don't really love getting up that early, I love getting it over with and not having to worry about squeezing it in the evening when I'm tired after a day of teaching and being with the boys.  I still haven't been able to squeeze in a run though. Our weekends have been busy so it just hasn't worked out.  Tomorrow though I'm meeting up with a friend for a run/walk so I look forward to that. 

More than half way done with the 30 days!  Four pounds are gone and I've seen a big change in my muscle definition, especially in my arms.  My belly has also gotten flatter.  Love it!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 7

I've now completed 7 days of the 30 Day Shred.  I absolutely love this video.  It's 20 minutes of intensity.  I sweat, grunt, and push through the pain.  It's awesome.  In one week I've lost 2 pounds and I can already see a difference in my body.  My arms have more definition.  My legs look and feel stronger.  My abs are getting firmer.  I can only imagine how these results are going to be even more obvious in 3 more weeks. 

I didn't run last week, which I'm bummed about.  It was just really hard to juggle getting in this work out in the afternoon/evenings and spending time with my family.  This week I've decided to get up even earlier than I already do.  I'll be up at 4:30am to do the video every morning.  Hopefully freeing up my afternoon/evening will allow me to get in a run or two this week. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 1

I decided I wanted to do something to shock my body.  My weight has plateaued and I think my body has gotten used to running so I'm no longer losing weight like I was.  I have heard quite a few friends recommend Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred so I decided to give it a try. I started tonight.  My plan is to do it every day for 30 days and see how it works.  I still plan on running 2-3 times a week but the video is going to be my main focus.

I did level 1 tonight.  For a 20 minute video, it really gives you a workout.  It is nonstop of strength training, cardio, and ab work.  I loved it!  I was sweating in no time and I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow.  I look forward to giving it a try for a month!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Family Run

This morning M and I put the boys in the double stroller and headed out for a family run.  We ran 3 miles together.  It was perfect running weather - sunny but cool.  The boys love going for a run with us and L always encourages us to run faster! 

I look forward to the day when my boys can run along with us or ride their bikes next to us.  I want to encourage them to make exercise a fun part of their daily life.  I want them to create these habits early on so it just becomes a part of life for them - something they enjoy and look forward to doing.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Front page!

I got home from work today to find a surprise in my mailbox.  The race director of the Half Moon Bay International Marathon (#HMBIM) mailed me a hard copy of the Half Moon Bay Review.  I knew the picture of L and I cheering at the marathon was in the paper but I had no idea it made the front page!  Very cool!
I'm very grateful to Eric Vaughn for sending me a copy. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

We made the paper!

L and I made the paper!  The photographer who took pictures of us holding signs up for M during his marathon put the picture in the Half Moon Bay Review!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

2 Miles

When I got home tonight I had 30 minutes before M and the boys would be home.  I wanted to get a run in but I was feeling super unmotivated.  The quiet house all to myself sounded really appealing.  I forced myself to get dressed and head out though.  I told myself I wasn't going to set out on any set mileage run.  I was just going to run.  When I stopped enjoying it I could turn around and come back. 

I'm a slow runner.  My usual pace is about 10 minute miles, sometimes 10:30.  Imagine my surprise when I came home after 2 miles and saw that I did it in 17 minutes!  I ran much faster than I normally do and felt great! 
It definitely made me think that maybe I need to get out of my head sometimes.  I shouldn't get so hung up on how far I want to run and instead just run.  Because 8 months ago I wasn't running more than a minute without having to take a walk break. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

M's Marathon

M ran his marathon today.  We were up and out of the house by 5:30am to drive to Half Moon Bay.  E dozed off during the car ride but L was up.  We got there around 6:45am.  We headed into an open indoor mall where it was warmer inside (it was probably 50 degrees outside).  M warmed up a bit and relaxed before his event.

The boys were all bundled up for the cool weather!

The Half Moon Bay International Marathon #HMBIM began at 7:45am (the half, 5K, and 10K events started earlier).  Once M went to line up the boys and I planted ourselves on a corner where we knew M would come running by as he started.  L was so excited to see his daddy come running by.  He held up a sign to show him as the event started.

Once M passed the boys and I headed back into the indoor mall to warm up and kill some time before M would pass by the start/finish line again around mile 9.  I gave the boys some snacks and let them wander around a bit.

I'm tempted to send this picture to Gap to offer up my boys as their next Gap Kids models - aren't they adorable?

But I digress.  At this time it was getting past E's normal nap time.  I gave him his bottle and blankie and put him in the stroller with it reclining.  I was hoping the bouncing of the stroller as we walked would put him to sleep but we had no such luck.  Instead he just screamed.  He'd calm down for a bit but for the most part he was not a happy camper.  L and I didn't let it dampen our spirits though.  We headed back outside to the same spot where we were before so we could wait to watch M pass us.  L held up a sign that grew quite the crowd around him taking pictures.

Everyone was laughing at that sign.  As the runners ran past us many laughed and gave us the thumbs up.  I'm glad they weren't offended by the sign.  We caught the attention of a local reporter who took a few pictures of L holding the sign and later asked us for our names and information.  He said he'd look for us at the end of the marathon to interview M to get his reaction to the signs.

We were so excited to see M come running around the bend.  L got such a huge smile on his face when he saw daddy.  I was glad M wore a bright yellow shirt since it was easy to spot him on this foggy day.

After we saw him around mile 9 we got into the car and drove south on highway 1 so we could catch him again.  We parked not far from an aid station on Poplar Beach and caught him as he ran past mile 15. 

 And waved goodbye as he ran past us. 
 The rest of the time while we waited to see him again (he would head south to the Ritz Carlton and then turn around to head back and we'd catch him around mile 22) L and I would cheer at the other runners.  L was so adorable.  He'd yell "Good Job!" to the different runners we'd see and many of them would give him a big smile or say thank you.  We also would clap or say "Woohoo!" as they sped past us.  E (who still hadn't napped at this point) was in the Ergo and he would mimic the sounds we were making too.  It was really cute.

As M approached mile 22 we made sure to cheer even louder for him.  I thought I'd give him something to laugh at so I held up a sign that said, "If you think you're tired...my arms are killing me!"
 It was such a thrill to see him run by. He always had a smile on his face.  His form was great.  He made it look so easy (even though I know it wasn't)!
 After we saw him at mile 22 we quickly packed up the car and raced back to the finish line.  E fell asleep on the 15 minute car ride back.  I thankfully was able to transfer him to the stroller without him waking and we ran to the finish line.  As we saw the runners come through who I knew were just a bit ahead of M, L and I got excited.  I knew M would have a good time because the announcer was saying not too many runners had finished yet.  Then we saw that yellow shirt make it's way up the hill.

 M completed the marathon in 3:27:57 which was a PR for him.  He finished 29th overall and 10th in his age group.  I am so proud of him.  He did amazing.  Watching him cross that finish line brought tears to my eyes.  Remembering all of the hard work and dedication he put into training for this marathon and then to have him do so well was so inspiring. 
 After some post marathon stretches and a walk around the farmer's market we headed home - all of us exhausted in our own way. 
 I can't wait to cheer M on again in December as he tackles the California International Marathon!