Thursday, August 9, 2012

Finding a new normal

Today I go back to work.  Summer seemed much shorter this year.  It's probably because I taught summer school for 4 weeks or maybe it's because I've been dreading going back.  We have a new principal this year and a lot of changes.  Some that I think were a long time coming and will be very good for the school.  Other changes I'm not so sure about.  Either way I'm hoping I can still remain positive about working at a school I love and that even if I don't like the way some things are happening, I can still remember I'm there for the students and keep my focus on them.

It's been hot lately so I wanted to get my run in this morning before going to work.  I set my alarm for 5am.  I got up, got dressed and was out the door.  It was dark - like nighttime still dark.  I ran around the block but kept looking over my shoulder.  There were too many shadows and not enough streetlights.  I turned around and came home.  I hate running in the evening after the kids go to bed.  I'd much rather get my exercise in before the day starts.

It made me realize that now that M and I are back to work it's time to find a new normal.  What will our routine be like this year?  We used to commute to work together but that won't happen this year since M is at a new school.  How will we handle the day care drop offs and pick ups.  When will I fit in my training schedule?  When will M fit in his much more demanding training schedule?

I don't do well with change.  I like routine, order, normalcy.  It's time to find out what that will be.

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