Thursday, March 6, 2014

Days 2 and 3

I really love incorporating regular exercise into my life.  I like how my clothes fit better.  I have more patience and energy with my kids.  I think good thoughts about myself.  It's awesome.  The one thing though that I don't like is how busy it makes our weekdays.  I have to sacrifice some time with my boys in the afternoon in order to get a run in while it's still light outside (I'm so looking forward to the time change this weekend!).  But overall it is worth it.  I need to keep telling myself that when I'm tired from being out of the house for 12 hours or I'm feeling frazzled by the nonstop nature of my day from 4:45am until usually 7pm. 

Tuesday I went to my favorite yoga class.  I was disappointed though that my favorite teacher wasn't there and instead a substitute was teaching the class.  She's a newly trained teacher and I didn't care for her style too much but it did feel good to open up my hips and stretch. 

Wednesday I did hill repeats.  I ran one mile to warm up and then headed to a hill that my students refer to as Little Mama.  I ran up 3 times (needed to stop once in the middle where it levels out a bit) and down 3 times before running a mile back to my car.  It felt good to get my heart rate up and feel my legs power through the repeats.  I also was reminded why whenever I sign up for a run I usually pick a flat one.  :-)

Today I plan on running after work.  I'm not sure if I'll do an easy run or some type of tempo run.  We'll see how my legs feel. 

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