Wednesday, October 24, 2012

15 Minutes of Quiet

My days have been starting early lately.  Since I started doing the 30 Day Shred in the morning (4:30am) I've been getting up to a quiet house.  After I work out, shower, and get ready for work, I come out into the kitchen and the house is still quiet for usually 15 more minutes before M gets up for the day.  All too soon I'll start hearing the boys stirring in their beds.  But usually for 15 minutes I have the house to myself, or so it seems.  I drink my coffee.  I eat my breakfast without having 2 little ones demanding I share.  I relax and get myself mentally ready for the day.  I love it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Early Mornings

There are some days when I have an early morning meeting at work.  I need to be here (25 mile commute) by 6:50am.  This means I need to be out the door by 6:15.  M and I were discussing the other day about what time I needed to get up in order to be ready to leave that early.  I determined that I would have to be up at 4:20am. 

At first that seemed too early.  Why do I need to be up almost 2 hours before I have to leave?  I did it anyway and I did in fact need every minute.  I got up and did my 30 Day Shred video (25 minutes).  Then I showered, got dressed, put my make up on, blew dry my hair.  After I ate breakfast, packed up my lunch to bring to work.  I gave the cat fresh water.  I put a load of laundry in.  I prepped dinner (got to love the slow cooker!).  I gave my baby a kiss (he was the only one up, L was still sleeping) and I left! 

If only it were so easy to just get myself ready and leave! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 17

This morning I completed day 17 of the 30 Day Shred.  I am still loving it.  I moved up to Level 2 and it provides a good challenge.  I'm thinking I'm ready for level 3 so I think I'm going to try that on Friday.  Seems like a good way to start the weekend.

Last week and this week I've been getting up at 4:30am to do it.  While I don't really love getting up that early, I love getting it over with and not having to worry about squeezing it in the evening when I'm tired after a day of teaching and being with the boys.  I still haven't been able to squeeze in a run though. Our weekends have been busy so it just hasn't worked out.  Tomorrow though I'm meeting up with a friend for a run/walk so I look forward to that. 

More than half way done with the 30 days!  Four pounds are gone and I've seen a big change in my muscle definition, especially in my arms.  My belly has also gotten flatter.  Love it!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 7

I've now completed 7 days of the 30 Day Shred.  I absolutely love this video.  It's 20 minutes of intensity.  I sweat, grunt, and push through the pain.  It's awesome.  In one week I've lost 2 pounds and I can already see a difference in my body.  My arms have more definition.  My legs look and feel stronger.  My abs are getting firmer.  I can only imagine how these results are going to be even more obvious in 3 more weeks. 

I didn't run last week, which I'm bummed about.  It was just really hard to juggle getting in this work out in the afternoon/evenings and spending time with my family.  This week I've decided to get up even earlier than I already do.  I'll be up at 4:30am to do the video every morning.  Hopefully freeing up my afternoon/evening will allow me to get in a run or two this week. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 1

I decided I wanted to do something to shock my body.  My weight has plateaued and I think my body has gotten used to running so I'm no longer losing weight like I was.  I have heard quite a few friends recommend Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred so I decided to give it a try. I started tonight.  My plan is to do it every day for 30 days and see how it works.  I still plan on running 2-3 times a week but the video is going to be my main focus.

I did level 1 tonight.  For a 20 minute video, it really gives you a workout.  It is nonstop of strength training, cardio, and ab work.  I loved it!  I was sweating in no time and I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow.  I look forward to giving it a try for a month!